One of the most serious sorts of DUI violations that can be committed in Scottsdale Arizona is super extreme DUI. It concerns a driver who exceeds the legal limit by at least two times by operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least 0.20. Some of the heaviest punishments for this kind of DUI are meted out, including jail time and significant fines. A Super Extreme DUI conviction carries additional penalties, including a minimum one-year license suspension, the requirement to participate in community service, and an alcohol screening program.
Even though this offense is serious, different defense tactics can be used depending on the circumstance. One of the most frequent ones is that the driver wasn’t actually operating the car when they were stopped. This can be the case because they were merely passengers or had recently exited the car. If the driver were to successfully refute the traffic stop’s legality or the accuracy of the breathalyzer results, that would be another factor. This could be a defense in the situation. It is crucial to remember that for these defenses to be effective, there must be facts and/or evidence to back them up.
It is always advisable to obtain legal counsel from an experienced lawyer who can walk you through your particular situation and lay out all of your available legal alternatives.